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View A to Z of Fertility >>
  • It is where the cause remains unknown even after a complete infertility work up including semen analysis in the man and assessment of ovulation and tubal patency in the woman.
  • Prevalence :Accounts for about 10% of causes of infertility, globally.
  • Possible Causes : Abnormalities are likely to be present but are not currently detected by commonly performed investigations.

These may include:

  • Poor egg quality
  • Increased DNA fragmentation in the sperm
  • Failure of sperm to fertilize the egg
  • Mild endometriosis etc


  • Lifestyle modification
  • Ovulation induction for 3 to 6 cycles
  • Ovulation induction with IUI for 3 to 6 cycles
  • IVF treatment

Uterine malformations are congenital defects of a woman’s uterus occurring in about 5% of women

Types of Malformation:


  • Uterus appears normal from the outside but has a very small indentation protruding from the inner wall of the cavity. This is generally unproblematic.


  • The uterus appears heart shape with a deep indentation starting at the top of the uterus.


  • The uterus appears normal from outside but contains an internal wall or septum that divides the uterine cavity into two.

Didelphys :

  • Double uterus where the two halves of the uterus remain completely separate

Unicornuate :

  • Only one half of the uterus is well developed.

Diagnosis :

  • Mostly discovered during investigation for infertility as they are usually asymptomatic
  • 3D ultra sound
  • HSG
  • MRI
  • Diagnostic hysteroscopy


Medical Management:
  • Not Applicable
Surgical Management:
  • Only septate uterus needs to be treated the usual procedure performed being hysteroscopic septal resection.