It is a test which evaluates certain characteristics of a man’s semen and the sperm contained in it. Semen is the fluid containing sperm plus other sugar and protein substances that is released during ejaculation.
Prior To Giving The Sample
Avoid intercourse 24 to 72 hours before the test
Avoid alcohol and smoking 2 to 5 days before the test
Discuss any medication you are taking with the doctor.
Procedure For Collection:
Masturbation is considered as preferred method to get clean sample
Other ways maybe sex with a non medicated condom
Or sex with withdrawal before ejaculation
Tips To Improve Sperm Counts :
Lose weight
Exercise regularly
Include green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits in your diet
Avoid smoking and heavy drinking
Avoid exposure to excessive heat
Wear loose cotton boxers instead of tight briefs
Take any vitamins prescribed by your doctor
Common Terminology Used In Reporting :
Normospermia – normal report
Azoospermia – absence of sperm
Oligospermia – sperm counts lesser than 15 mil per ml
Asthenospermia – sperm motility is reduced
Teratospermia – sperms with more morphological defects
Necrospermia – all sperms in the ejaculate are dead.