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IUI or Intrauterine insemination is a simple procedure where the processed sperm sample is placed inside the uterine cavity.


  • Next level of treatment after ovulation induction.
  • In couples requiring the use of donor sperm
  • Physical problems with sexual intercourse
  • Lower limit of normal semen parameters or mild reduction only
  • Unexplained infertility
  • Mild endometriosis

IUI Procedure:

  • Ovulation induction
  • Follicular Monitoring
  • Ovulation Trigger
  • Semen collection and processing
  • Insemination

Post Procedure Instructions:

  • You can continue working, exercising and doing all routine household activities.
  • There is no need for any dietary restrictions.
  • You are allowed to have sexual inter course
  • Continue whatever medicines are prescribed and report with a beta HCG test 2 weeks later.

Success Rates:

  • The success rates of an IUI vary between 10-20% per cycle depending on the age of the couple, number of dominant follicles and use of gonadotrophin injection.
  • It is important that you do not take a negative result as an indication that something is wrong with you.
  • IUI is a simple procedure after which many things are left mainly to nature.

How Many Cycles?

Usually we advise trying 3-6 cycles of IUI as most conceptions would be expected to occur within this time frame.


IVF or In vitro fertilization is a procedure where the eggs of the female partner are incubated with the sperm sample in a laboratory dish and fertilization is allowed to happen.

  • Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) – ICSI is an IVF procedure in which a single sperm cell is injected directly into the cytoplasm of an egg.
  • Recommended most often in couples with male factor infertility where there are very low to nil sperm counts.
  • Both procedures differ only in the method of fertilization, other steps remaining the same.


  • The mature egg is held with a specialized pipette
  • Very delicate, sharp and hollow needle is used to immobilize and pick up a single sperm.
  • The needle is then carefully inserted through the shell into the cytoplasm of the egg.
  • The sperm is injected into the cytoplasm and the needle is carefully removed.
  • The eggs are checked the following day for evidence of fertilization.

What does the IVF/ICSI Procedure Involve?


  • Before you are enrolled in the IVF cycle, you will undergo a detailed counselling session about the procedure with one of our doctors where the steps, medications used; case specific success rates and costs are elaborated. Any queries or doubts the couple may have are also cleared.

Treatment Cycle:

  • There are 6 steps involved in the process
  • Ovarian stimulation and monitoring
  • Ovum pick up
  • Process of fertilization
  • Development of the embryos in the incubator
  • Embryo transfer
  • Luteal phase support

Success Rates:

  • Success rates in an IVF cycle cannot be generalized as they are case specific and influenced by many factors such as:
  • Age of the couple
  • Number of eggs obtained
  • Quality and number of embryos transferred
  • Presence of endometriosis
  • Quality of the sperm
  • Fresh or frozen cycle
  • Worldwide the success rates are given as 30 to 40 % per cycle.
  • When trying for 2- 3 cycles with cryo preserved embryos, this would then give us a cumulative pregnancy rate of 70 to 80%